Many writers have a “spot” where they feel extra productive or more at peace as they write. For many, this spot is perched in a spindly coffee shop chair, the hustle and bustle of caffeine addicts filling the atmosphere around them as they clack away at their keyboards. For others, it’s a comfy armchair tucked away in the corner of the local library, the distant sound of children’s laughter reaching their ears. For me? Well, I don’t have a spot.
Perhaps it’s because I live in a small town, but I don’t find many of my local spaces conducive to writing. Iced coffee is my drug, but coffee shops don’t have a vibe I work well with and while the idea of writing at the library is appealing, I work at the one I live closest to, so I would feel like I was still on the clock. I mostly find myself writing at home, curled up in a comfy little ball that still allows me to type. Sometimes I’m out on the deck, but the cute chipmunks can be a little too distracting and I don’t find the deck chairs comfortable for longer writing sessions.
Very rarely, I find myself writing somewhere special, just like where I am as I write this particular post. While waiting to pick up a family member from an appointment, I am down by the river in Stratford, enjoying the breeze and the company of some sleeping ducks. Sure there’s the noise of a tree being taken down nearby and yes the ducks are extremely adorable to watch, but for the most part, I am writing away with a fervor I don’t always experience. I think this stems from two reasons:
Nature inspires and calms me, providing a stellar environment for creation
Writing someplace new has the power to inject a change of pace, and thus a renewed sense of determination and clarity
I will be away on holiday this next week visiting natural places I’ve never been to before. Although I’ve got a busy slate of activities planned, I’m hoping to steal away a few minutes here and there to write a little bit. If I am writing, I will be working on book 2 in my trilogy and not a blog post (sorry, not sorry!), so I may not post anything here next week. Fret not, I shall return to this virtual space as it always brings me such joy to talk about a subject that means so much to me.
Do you have a spot where you find yourself at your most creative? Is there a specific place or destination you wish to write at/in someday?